Pietro Campesato wrote:
Your windows search command?
Which is how I verified the above.

I looked at the folder visually. Simply using os.listdir shows there
is in fact a python31.dll there: somehow it was an invisible file.
This is strange since I've never touched any system folder. Thanks and
forgive me if I have asked the group a silly question.

"visually"? Lots of possibilities there. And if you're not sure, you need to get familiar with Windows quirks.

IF you're using Explorer, there are a few ways you could miss a single file out of thousands.

Simplest is that the listing is not necessarily completely sorted. You need to do a View->ArrangeIconsBy->Name to really trust that they're sorted today. And you may have to repeat that menu again next time you launch Explorer, or even next time you look at some other directory.

Next is that Explorer is initialized by Microsoft to mostly use the worst possible defaults. One is to hide system and hidden files . Another is to hide extensions of known types. Either of these could make you overlook the file.


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