--- On Tue, 5/4/10, Scott <scott.freem...@gmail.com> wrote: > From: Scott <scott.freem...@gmail.com> > Subject: Sharing a program I wrote > To: python-list@python.org > Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 5:40 PM > I'm looking for suggestions on what > to do (and how to do it) if I want > to share a program that I wrote in Python. There seem to be > quite a > few places to post code and I don't know how to choose. > > I wrote a program (script?) that takes a text file > containing the > output of the "show access-list" command on a Cisco > PIX/ASA/FWSM > firewall and any number of text files containing syslog > output from > the same firewall and creates a report showing which > access-list rules > allowed which actual connections. It is written in Python > 2.6 and runs > on Windows. > > Since this is obviously something mankind has long been > waiting for I > am thinking about sharing it - but since I am new to Python > and > programming in general I am not at all familiar with > dealing with > source code. > > I'm sure that improvements and additions could be made if > it was > reviewed by "actual programmers" but I wouldn't exactly > call it a > "project" either. Of course I'd love to add a gui > interface... > > I've seen pypi. It seems to index code that is posted on > all sorts of > sites - including pypi itself? And what is a "package" > anyway? I've > seen sourceforge. It looks like a good home for big > applications or > multi-developer projects. Freshmeat? Google code? My own > website? Your > blog? > > Another detail is that my program uses a library that was > written by > someone else. It is the most excellent netaddr written by > David P. D. > Moss and it lives at code.google.com. It uses the New BSD > License. > Since this library is required would I simply provide a > link to it? > Would I post the actual library? Do I have to post a copy > of his > copyright info anywhere? Please don't tell me I have to > write some > kind of installer that takes care of providing that. > > I really just want anyone who might need a little > networking/security > tool like this to be able to find it. Any advice? > > Thanks, > Scott > -- > http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list >
It depends on exactly what you want to do. I'd suggest you look at the following sites: http://developer.berlios.de/ http://codepad.org/ http://pastebin.com/ http://ideone.com/ One of them might be what your looking for. -EdK Ed Keith e_...@yahoo.com Blog: edkeith.blogspot.com -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list