--- On Tue, 5/4/10, Stefan Behnel <stefan...@behnel.de> wrote:

> From: Stefan Behnel <stefan...@behnel.de>
> Subject: Re: Teaching Programming
> To: python-list@python.org
> Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2010, 11:33 AM
> Ed Keith, 04.05.2010 15:19:
> > --- On Tue, 5/4/10, Stefan Behnel wrote:
> >> Ed Keith, 04.05.2010 14:15:
> >>> Python is a great language to write in
> (although I do
> >>> wish it did a better job with closures). But
> it is a PITA to
> >>> generate code for!
> >> 
> >> Interesting. Could you elaborate a bit? Could you
> give a
> >> short example of what kind of document text you
> translate
> >> into what kind of Python code, and what the
> problems were
> >> that you faced in doing so?
> > 
> > The program is written using itself. If you click on
> the link above you
> > will see an HTML file that fully describes the
> program.
> I did. I find it a bit hard to read due to the block
> splitting (basically like 'include' based spaghetti
> programming), but so far, the actual code that does the code
> merging looks pretty simple and I can't figure out where the
> "PITA" bit is on that page. That's why I asked.
> Stefan
> -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

The PITA is having to keep track of the indentation of each embedded chunk and 
summing it for each level of indentation. This requires a fair amount of 
bookkeeping that would not otherwise be necessary. 

The original prototype simply replaced each embedded chunk with the text from 
the chunk definition, all indenting information was lost. It worked for most 
languages, but not Python.

In testing the program I used two languages, Python and J. I figured if I could 
make both of them work I would not have any problem with anything else.


Ed Keith

Blog: edkeith.blogspot.com


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