On 05/01/2010 12:08 AM, Patrick Maupin wrote:
+=, -=, /=, *=, etc. conceptually (and, if lhs object supports in-
place operator methods, actually) *modify* the lhs object.
Your proposed .= syntax conceptually *replaces* the lhs object
(actually, rebinds the lhs symbol to the new object).
The += family of operators really do rebind the symbol, not
modify the object.
>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> d = Decimal(42)
>>> e = Decimal(18)
>>> orig = d
>>> d += e
>>> d
>>> e
>>> orig
>>> d is orig
If your suggestion that += *modifies* the object, then orig would
now unintuitively contain 60 and "d is orig" would return True.
This doesn't preclude you from implementing a self-mutating +=
style __add__ method and returning "self", but it's usually a bad
idea unless it's dire for performance (and even then, think it
over a couple times).