Barak, Ron, 25.04.2010 17:06:
This is my first try at XML with Python, and though I tried to read on the web,
I'm unable to traverse a DOM tree, as my top element seems to be DOCUMENT_NODE
and I cannot find a way to get to the nodes below it.
You might find the xml.etree.ElementTree package a lot easier to work with.
$ python -u
node:<xml.dom.minidom.DocumentType instance at 0x00DE25A8>
dom2.nodeType: 9
dom2.nodeName: #document
node is DOCUMENT_NODE:<xml.dom.minidom.DocumentType instance at 0x00DE25A8>
node:<DOM Element: database at 0xde2698>
dom2.nodeType: 9
dom2.nodeName: #document
node is DOCUMENT_NODE:<DOM Element: database at 0xde2698>
('dom2._get_childNodes():', [<xml.dom.minidom.DocumentType instance at
0x00DE25A8>,<DOM Element: database at 0xde2698>])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 26, in<module>
AttributeError: 'NodeList' object has no attribute '_get_childNodes'
"childNodes" is a property, use it like
print("child_nodes.childNodes:", child_nodes.childNodes)
By convention, the underscore at the beginning of "_get_childNodes"
indicates that it is not considered a public method.