On Apr 16, 2010, at 3:12 PM, TomF wrote:

I'm packaging up a program with distutils and I've run into problems trying to get setup.py right. It's not a standalone package; it's a script plus modules, data files and documentation. I've been over the distutils documentation but I'm having trouble getting the package_data and data_files correct.

Is there a repository of distutils examples somewhere that I can look at?
The documentation is not particularly instructive for me.

Hi Tom,
I don't know of a dedicated repository of distutils examples, but there's so many packages out there that it's sure that someone's already done what you're trying to do. If you can find that package (easier said than done, I know) then you have a working example.

THat's the main way I've been learning how to write setup.py files. I also find the distutils documentation somewhat opaque.


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