On Thu, 12 May 2005 17:41:29 +0200, Brian Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Bengt Richter wrote:
>> If you make your console 96 wide and set the font to Lucida Console Bold 
>> 24point,
>> it will probably expand to near full screen on 1024x768. You can set the 
>> scroll buffer
>> to a couple hundred lines and adjust console widow height to suit. Use the 
>> properties
>> from the system icon, or get there by Alt-Space P etc.
>That's not bad. There are two caveats:
>1. you have to set the width to 72 characters (instead of 80) at
>    1024x768 with 24 point fonts
Well, you don't _have_ to ;-) E.g., I have my screen buffer size set to 96 wide 
and 200 high,
so when I select 24-pt bold Lucida Console, I don't see more than about 68 
characters within
the frame, but I can scroll horizontally to see to the 96 limit. If I output 
more than 96 wide,
it wraps to the next line. You may want to set wrap/buffer width at 72, but 
that's a choice, not
a have-to, at least on my system ;-)

>2. you can't run in full-screen mode
Well, my system permits it, sort of, but it does force some layout and ugly 
raster font that reminds
of a black BSOD and is probably controlled by some registry stuff that I am too 
lazy to pursue.
I had to kill it (the console window) to get back to a normal console window, 
but that is probably
because I don't know the secret incantation off hand ;-/

Anyway, HIIH (happy if it helped ;-)

Bengt Richter

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