Carlos Moreira wrote: > Supose that I want to create two methos (inside a > class) with exactly same name, but number of > parameters different:
that's known as multimethods, or multiple dispatch. it's a kind of polymorphism; it's not the only way to do it, nor is it the only thing that qualifies as polymorphism. (in OO lingo, polymorphism usually means that a variable can hold objects of different types/classes, and that the language can per- form a given operation on an object without having to know in ad- vance what type/class it belongs to). Python only supports single-dispatch in itself, but you can use the existing mechanisms to implement multimethods in different ways. for some ways to do it, see: however, solving your problem is of course trivial; just change > class myClass: > myAttribute = 0 > def myMethod(self): > self.myAttribute += 1 > def myMethod(self, myValue): > self.myAttribute += myValue to class myClass: myAttribute = 0 def myMethod(self, myValue=1): self.myAttribute += myValue and you're done. > I want to use the power of polymorphism to modelate > the problem. the problem you described can be trivially solved with a default argument. maybe you should come up with a more realistic pro- blem? </F> --