On 15/04/2010 6:05 PM, sniffer wrote:
hi all,
i am facing a peculiar problem with a python com server i've developed
the com server runs fine in winxp  standalone systems but if the
system is part of a domain then until the logged in user is given
power user rights i am unable to register the dll using regsvr32 , a
similar problem i face on vista system here unless and untill the app
utilising the dll is run with admin privelleges the dll does not get
registered and does not function as a result.

This is a "feature" of Vista and later - you must have elevated permissions to write to the place in the registry where "global" COM objects are stored. By default, the standard win32com registration code will attempt to elevate and register if necessary.

Note that it is also possible in theory to register COM objects just for a single user, but while win32com doesn't support that directly it shouldn't be hard to support this with a few changes to win32com\server\register.py



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