* Alex Hall:
Hi all,
For testing purposes, and because I am not yet distributing my
application (which, thanks to you all, is now running perfectly!), I
am going to just bundle msvcr90.dll. However, I cannot find it! I ran
vcredist_x86.exe (I have a 64-bit version of win7, but all I have is
the x86 version of the program - is that a problem?). A search for
msvcr90.dll and just vcr90.dll returns 0 results. Where did it put my
msvcr90.dll file? I thought the point was to give me the dll? Thanks.

A bit off-topic, but:

  C:\> for %f in (msvcr70.dll, msvcr71.dll, msvcr80.dll, mscvr90.dll) do @(
  More? echo.%f "%~$path:f"
  More? )
  msvcr70.dll "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msvcr70.dll"
  msvcr71.dll "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msvcr71.dll"
  msvcr80.dll "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\msvcr80.dll"
  mscvr90.dll ""

  C:\> _

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

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