Pynguin is a python-based turtle graphics application.
    It combines an editor, interactive interpreter, and
    graphics display area.

It is meant to be an easy environment for introducing
    some programming concepts to beginning programmers.

This release changes the method of starting and stopping
    the separate code-running threads. It should be much
    less susceptible to lock-ups and crashes, though I
    am still experiencing occasional problems.

Pynguin is tested with Python 2.6.4 and uses PyQt (4.6)
    for its GUI elements. Pynguin is released under GPLv3.

Changes in pynguin-0.7:
    - fixed deadlock when running with many pynguins at instant speed
    - new threading model greatly reduces problems with lock-ups
    - added more multi-pynguin examples
    - added commands turnto('random') and lineto('random')
    - added more random color possibilities ('rlight', 'rmedium', 'rdark')
    - allow named colors and html-style colors
    - added command clear()
    - added equation plotting examples - cartesian and polar
    - re-center on (0, 0) when moving view splitter
    - added svg/pdf worksheets

Changes in pynguin-0.6:
    - fixed crash when using new_pynguin()
    - fixed possible crash during startup (due to race condition)
    - added goto('random') and xy() to easily get coordinates
    - added keyword args for fill -- fill(color=..., rule=...)
    - added easier access for fillcolor 'random'
    - added examples using multiple pynguins
    - remove any added pynguins when using reset()
    - set window title when using Save As...
    - better error messages when loading file with errors
    - whitespace cleanup when saving files
    - render About image and title at runtime
    - more examples

Changes in pynguin-0.5:
    - catch errors when processing graphic move queue
    - capture and hold stdout and stderr
    - call str() on argument to write
    - guard against sending non-int to color

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