Stef Mientki, 10.04.2010 18:08:
I would like to translate some functional description into some standard
class object,
so it can be used as a basic building brick into a larger piece of code.

Suppose the functional description is:

Name = 'Test_Function'
Out = 3 * In

Ok, so you want to implement a domain specific language (DSL) for function post conditions.

First thing to ask: how expressive do you want this language to be? If the answer is "as expressive as the code it describes", then you will end up needing a turing-complete programming language, in which case you may want to use plain Python code instead of writing your own language. See the doctest module.

Implementing a language that can express "x*3" is relatively(!) easy, but I would guess that you want your post conditions to be a little more expressive than that.

Could you describe why you want such a language in the first place? What feature do you need that cannot be expressed using doctests, for example?



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