average wrote:
>> On behalf of the Python development team, I'm merry to announce the first 
>> beta
>> release of Python 2.7.
>> Python 2.7 is scheduled (by Guido and Python-dev) to be the last major 
>> version
>> in the 2.x series.  Though more major releases have not been absolutely ruled
>> out, it's likely that the 2.7 release will an extended period of maintenance 
>> for
>> the 2.x series.
> May I propose that the developers consider keeping this release *beta*
> until after the present Python moratorium?  That is, don't let it be
> marked as *official* until after, say, Python 3.3.
> There are so many features taken from 3.0 that I fear that it will
> postpone its adoption interminably

Whether 3.x is adopted by developers is IMO not influenced by the 2.7 release
schedule. At least the effect is highly speculative. So please simply release
2.7 when it's ready.

Ciao, Michael.

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