Thomas W wrote:

> I don't expect this project to have alot of traffic once online, but it
> would kinda suck if my software couldn't handle it if it really took
> off.
What would be "a lot"....

> So my question is; based on the very brief description above, are there
> any of the python-based frameworks that fits my project better than the
> others? And are there some of the frameworks that doesn't scale
> particulary well? Benchmarks anyone?

With the note that benchmarks are dangerous, here are some numbers:

I'd say just install it on your own system and run your own tests.

> I want to use ZPT or simpleTAL for templating and SQLObject for
> database-access etc if that makes any differences.

Snakelets has Ypages for templating, but it is not really
difficult to use your own template library (someone is successfully
using PyMeld, for instance).
It is database agnostic, meaning that no database code whatsoever
is in the package. This means that you are 100% free to choose
your own db persistence system.


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