class Uno:
    def m():
        print "mouse"

Say that I have this "silly" class.

While I can then write

      print Uno.a

I cannot write

I get the following error message:

     TypeError: m() takes no arguments (1 given)
As a workaround, use this pattern:

>>> class Uno(object):
...     @classmethod
...     def m(cls):
...             print "mouse"
>>> Uno.m()

Since I have not created any instances of Uno, there is no self
object, and I do not understand what object is supplied to the
function call.
The method is not actually called, so nothing is supplied. The error is raised when it turns out that the number of actual parameters and the number of formal parameters are different.

This is how you call a method:

#1. you try to call Uno.m() - the 'm' method object is found and taken
#2. argument values are evaluated and taken (in your example, there are no arguments) #3. an extra argument is inserted in front of the argument list. This parameter is the object you where calling the method on. In this case, it is the 'Uno' class. #4. actual arguments are assigned to formal parameters. If this fails for some reason, an exception is raised. In your case - the number of actual parameters is one, the number of formal parameters is zero. This is why you get an exception. #5. If actual and formal parameters are matched, then the implicit self parameter is checked. If you call a method, then it must be an instance of the class being called (or an instanc of its subclass). For classmethods, it must be the same class (or a subclass of it).
#6. Function body executed, value returned

The implicit parameter (the instance, or for classmethods, the class) is ALWAYS added. So if you change your code:

class Uno:
   def m(self):

Then you won't get an exception in #4. But you will in #5, because instance methods must be called on an instance, not on a class. You can create a classmethod (e.g. with the @classmethod decorator) as shown above, and it will work.

Could anybody explain what argument is being supplied to the method?
Is ther any workaround to call the m function?

Thank you


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