On Apr 6, 10:16 pm, monkeys paw <mon...@joemoney.net> wrote:
> I have the following acre meter which works for integers,
> how do i convert this to float? I tried
> return float ((208.0 * 208.0) * n)
>  >>> def s(n):
> ...     return lambda x: (208 * 208) * n
> ...
>  >>> f = s(1)
>  >>> f(1)
> 43264
>  >>> 208 * 208
> 43264
>  >>> f(.25)
> 43264

Not sure why you are returning a lambda (which is just a function that
does not have a name) from an outer function.

A function that does this multiplication would simply be:

def s(n):
    return 208.0 * 208.0 * n


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