Hi all.

Steve Holden wrote:
> ... to conflict with the "can't teach an old dog new tricks" ...

Excuse my English (also some terms of your replay have no
correspondance in my English dictionary...) and my lack of patience
(beeing an "old dog" ...).

My original request was mainly centered on flow chart and "import"
interfered with "my" understanding of an application.

By the way, (replaying to Sébastien Boisgérault) of course I don't
use indirect import of any sort (it's too tricky for me...).

The only constructive comments was that of George Sakkis on using UML
sequence diagrams.
Also Mike Meyer points me in the same direction (with more arguments
and ... warnings).

I will stick with their advice: I will abandon my project of
implementing a flow chart tool...

A last word of reconciliation: I must thank the expert group for their
valuable activity especially towards the newbies like me...



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