Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 02 Apr 2010 12:39:16 -0700, Patrick Maupin wrote:

On Apr 2, 2:38 pm, Ethan Furman <> wrote:


Sounds like a personal preference issue, rather than a necessary /
unnecessary issue -- after all, if you call that function a thousand
times, only once is mongo not defined... clearly the exception.  ;)


Well, I think the whole discussion has basically been about personal
preference.  OTOH, but if you call the function a few million times, you
might find the cost of try/except to be something that you would rather
not incur -- it might become a performance issue rather than a personal
choice issue.

The cost of a try...except is *very* low -- about the same as a pass statement:

from timeit import Timer
t1 = Timer("pass", "")
t2 = Timer("try:\n    pass\nexcept Exception:\n    pass", "")


Actually catching the exception, on the other hand, is quite expensive:

t1 = Timer("len('')", "")
t2 = Timer("try:\n    len(0)\nexcept Exception:\n    pass", "")


The heuristic I use is, if I expect the try block to raise an exception more than about one time in ten, I change to an explicit test. In this case, since the exception should only be raised once, and then never again, I would use a try...except block.

That was my reasoning as well, but when I timed it for one million runs (so 1 instantiation, 999,999 simple calls), the __getattr__ time was .5 seconds, the try...execpt block was .6; at ten million it was 5 and 6.

At those rates, personal preference takes over, at least for me.


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