I am writing a small app which requires input using stdin to the subprocess.
I use the following technique: proc = subprocess.Popen (cmdargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) proc.stdin.write ("Something") proc.stdin.flush () ... proc.stdin.write ("something else") proc.stdin.flush () ... and so on. I cannot use communicate() because it waits till program termination and so obviously can be used once only. The problem is that I want to close the process and it's not responding either to proc.stdin.close() or even proc.terminate() which is in Python 2.6 (not in 2.5.x) So I am left with a mangled terminal. Is subprocess behaving funny or am I doing something wrong? I am not even sure if the proc.stdin.close () is respected because even without it, I am getting the same mangled state. I just want to control the commands using stdin.write and then close the process when done. -- Harishankar (http://harishankar.org http://literaryforums.org) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list