On Apr 1, 11:52 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Apr 2010 22:44:51 +0200, superpollo <ute...@esempio.net>
> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
> > how much is one half times one half?
> import math
> print math.exp((math.log(1) - math.log(2))
>                                  + (math.log(1) - math.log(2)))

That's all well and good, but base 'e' is kind of complicated.  Some
of us were using base 10, and others took Tim's lead and were using
base 2:

>>> print math.exp(((math.log(1)/math.log(2) - math.log(2)/math.log(2)) + 
>>> (math.log(1)/math.log(2) - math.log(2)/math.log(2)))*math.log(2))

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