On Wed, 31 Mar 2010 22:19:27 -0400, Steve Holden wrote:

> I'm the same myself, and I know from personal experience that while I am
> (simply?) seeking accuracy and truth it sometimes bugs the hell out of
> people ...

By the way, why are we acting as if seeking accuracy and truth is a bad 

Personally, if I were interviewing job applicants, one of the things I'd 
like to know is how well they react to criticism. This especially applies 
to technical and programming roles. I've managed thin-skinned prima 
donnas who spit the dummy if someone dares point out they made a mistake, 
and so long as I'm involved in the hiring process I won't be doing so 
again. Give me a pedantic, technically precise, obnoxiously *correct* 
coder over a sloppy one any time.


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