I am writing a fairly featureful TUI in python and I figured newt is the 
best lightweight TUI which actually offers widgets. curses is low level 
and its text editing capabilities are poor while UIs like urwid and stfl 
too complex for simple programs like the ones I am creating.

Could anybody point me to at least a decent example program in newt/snack 
and I don't mean popcorn.py or peanuts.py. Something that at least shows 
how to create a basic menu-driven program in the command line with a main 
menu and implementing several sub menus. Also a bit of explanation of the 
behaviour of OK and Cancel buttons in standard forms would be of help.

So anybody uses newt? Or have people stopped using text based UIs 

-- Harishankar (http://harishankar.org http://literaryforums.org)

-- Harishankar (http://harishankar.org http://literaryforums.org)

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