
On 25 March 2010 11:17, Alan Harris-Reid <aharrisr...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Using Python 3.1, I sometimes use the super() function to call the
> equivalent method from a parent class, for example
> def mymethod(self):
>   super().mymethod()
>   some more code...
> Is there any way of writing the code so that the super() call is generic
> and automatically recognises the name of the current method (ie. something
> like super().thismethod()) or do I always have to repeat the method name
> after super()?
> TIA,
> Alan
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

   I think, the super() method is designed to delegate any method call to
one of the class in its mro list, and the super() function its self return a
'super' object, so it is better to write what method you want to delegate,
maybe it's not the current method.

Best wishes from Ray ...

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