Steven Bethard wrote:
> Well one reason might be that it's easy to convert from an object's 
> attributes to a dict, while it's hard to go the other direction:
> py> options['x'], options['y']
> ('spam', 42)
> py> o = ??? # convert to object???
> ...
> py> o.x, o.y
> ('spam', 42)

"hard" == "slightly less easy"?

class Spam:
  def __init__(self, d):


  o = Spam(options)

or use the types module (if you have a classic class)

>>> import types
>>> class Spam: pass
>>> o = types.InstanceType(Spam, {"x": 5, "y": 10})
>>> o.x

My guess is the original intent was to make the command-line
parameters act more like regular variables.  They are easier
to type ( vs. x["abc"]) and the syntax coloring is different.

                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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