On 3/21/2010 3:23 AM, Ren Wenshan wrote:
Hello, every pythoner.
Firstly, I want to mention that English is my second language, so
maybe there are some sentences which makes you confused, sorry.
I have been learning Panda3D, an open source 3D engine, these days.
Now, I'm trying to write a small game for fun and practice. However,
I've ran into a problem.
I want to make some speical effects and there is my code:
def ventose(self):
global potato_HP
if potato_HP[0] == 1 and potato_HP[1] == 0:
if random()> .30:
self.filters.setCartoonInk(separation = 0.8)
However, it doesn't work, the CartoonInk effect will never been shown
in my game and I don't want my game to wait three seconds, what I need
is to keep the effect for a period of time while the game run as well.
The generic answer is to turn CartoonInk on and set a timed event for
now+ 3 secs to turn it off. You will have to understand how to interact
with the Panda event loop. For a more specific answer, follow Donn's
advice -- Panda forum. I know there was one when I looked at Panda a
year ago.
Besides that, I also want to show a counting back like "3", then "2",
then "1", finally "Go".
Ok, instead to events set 1 sec in future.
Terry Jan Reedy