Torsten Bronger wrote:
> HallÃchen!
> Fernando Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>I've yet to experiment with it, but it might (with some additional
>>handywork) give final results identical to those of the pslatex
>>backend in gnuplot.
> What do you mean with this?  Do you want to mimic TeX's quality as a
> typesetter, or do you think the goal should be output in real LaTeX
> format (like pslatex does)? 

Both! There is a need for mathematical typesetting in matplotlib without 
a dependency on TeX. Not everyone is making plots destined for inclusion 
in their LaTeX-typeset papers. However, some people, like you and me, 
*are* making such plots and a pslatex-based solution would be a perfect 
fit for that use case.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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