On Mar 17, 10:42 am, Pakal <chambon.pas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I've just realized recently that sys.exc_info() didn't return a full
> traceback for exception concerned : it actually only contains the
> frame below the point of exception catching.
> That's very annoying to me, because I planned to log such tracebacks
> withlogging.critical(*****, exc_info=True), and these partial
> tracebacks, like the one below, are clearly unsufficient to determine
> where the problem comes from. A whole traceback, from program entry
> point to exception raising point, would be much better.
> 2010-03-17 09:28:59,184 - pims - CRITICAL - This is just a test to
> ensure critical emails are properly sent
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> << HERE, lots of frames missing >>
>   File "test_common.py", line 34, in test_email_sending
>     os.open("qsdsdqsdsdqsd", "r")
> TypeError: an integer is required
> Is there any workaround for this ? I've thought about a customlogging
> formatter, which would take both the exc_info traceback AND its own
> full backtrace, and to connect them together on their relevant part,
> but it's awkward and error prone... why can't we just have all the
> precious traceback info under the hand there (an additional attribute
> might have pointed the precise frame in which the exception was
> caught).
> Tanks for the attention,
> Regards,
> Pascal

Do you have a short script which demonstrates the problem? Some more
context is needed. For example, if you have multiple threads of
execution, the traceback will only go up to the top-level function in
the thread.


Vinay Sajip

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