Martin Schmidt wrote: > Hi, > > I have just started to use Python a few weeks ago and until last week I > had no knowledge of XML. > Obviously my programming knowledge is pretty basic. > Now I would like to use Python in combination with ca. 2000 XML > documents (about 30 kb each) to search for certain regular expression > within specific elements of these documents. > I would then like to record the number of occurrences of the regular > expression within these elements. > Moreover I would like to count the total number of words contained > within these, and record the attribute of a higher level element that > contains them. > I was trying to figure out the best way how to do this, but got > overwhelmed by the available information (e.g. posts using different > approaches based on dom, sax, xpath, elementtree, expat). > The outcome should be a file that lists the extracted attribute, the > number of occurrences of the regular expression, and the total number of > words. > I did not find a post that addresses my problem. > If someone could help me with this I would really appreciate it. > You would get more specific help if you could post an example of the XML and describe the regex searching you want to do in a little more detail, I suspect.
regards Steve -- Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119 See PyCon Talks from Atlanta 2010 Holden Web LLC UPCOMING EVENTS: --