"Robert Kern" <robert.k...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On 2010-03-11 13:01 PM,  Cal Who wrote:
>> data = readdata( 'data/input.dat', delimiter = ',' )
>> input = data[:, :9]#nine data columns
>> Where can I find documentation for the
>> data[:,9]
>> in the code above.
>> Been looking and found many examples but would like to know the 
>> definition.
> When asking questions like this, it helps *a lot* to provide a complete 
> example, not just a snippet. If I weren't already intimately familiar with 
> the library you are using, I would have no idea how to help you.
> However, I do know that input object is a numpy array, and the syntax you 
> are asking about is multidimensional slicing.
> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.indexing.html
>> I need to skip the first column and then read 9
> data[:, 1:10]
>> I would also like to print the data in ihe variable "input"
> print input
> -- 
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless 
> enigma
>  that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it 
> had
>  an underlying truth."
>   -- Umberto Eco
Thanks, that helped a lot.

I'm having trouble knowing what to search for to find documenatation. For 
example, is print a Python command, a numpy command or a java command?

I like to read the documentation even if the command is working for me.

Thanks again 


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