En Tue, 09 Mar 2010 18:48:42 -0300, Shane <sheng...@gmail.com> escribió:

Hi I am a newbie for Python

Here is a question, say I have a list L,

function foo is:

def foo(L):
    if L[0] > 0: return True

if later I want another function goo which returns "True" when L[0]
and L[1] are both > 0, i.e.,

def goo(L):
    if L[0] > 0 and L[1] > 0: return True

Can anybody tell me how can I write the function "goo" based upon the
function "foo"? Thanks!
I know if it is implementable, I should use "decorator". But I just
cannot figure out how.

To implement goo based on foo:

def goo(L):
  if foo(L) and L[1]>0: return True

I don't see how to use a decorator here - maybe your example became too simple to be useful. A more realistic use case?

Gabriel Genellina


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