John Posner wrote:
On 3/8/2010 11:55 PM, Gary Herron wrote:

The form of import you are using
from helpers import mostRecent
makes a *new* binding to the value in the module that's doing the


What you can do, is not make a separate binding, but reach into the
helpers module to get the value there. Like this:

import helpers
print helpers.mostRecent

Gary, are you asserting that in these separate situations:

  from helpers import mostRecent
  x = mostRecent

  import helpers
  x = helpers.mostRecent

... the name "x" will be bound to different objects?


Hi John,

No they are bound to the same object ... to start with. But if, as the OP indicated, something in the helpers module changes that module's binding of 'mostRecent', then the only helpers.mostRecent in your will notice that change. The variable 'x' in both samples and the 'mostRecent' value in will remain unchanged.

That's true for mutable *and* immutable values -- however, mutable values admit a further consideration: Since all 'x's and 'mostRecent's refer to the same value, any mutation is noticed in all cases. But, *any* assignment ( with = or of the form *from helpers import mostRecent* ) breaks the reference to the shared value.

Gary Herron


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