Call for Paper The International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) publishes original papers on all subjects relevant to computer science, communication network, and information systems. The highest priority will be given to those contributions concerned with a discussion of the background of a practical problem, the establishment of an appropriate model, the determination of a solution, approximate or exact, analytical or numerical, and a discussion of the relevance of the results when applied to the real-life problem. Paper submissions are invited in the area of computer science, in particular the technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, applied electronics, computer science, communication network and Information technology. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Computer Science
* Parallel Processing and Distributed Computing * Foundations of High-performance Computing * Graph Theory and Analysis of Algorithms * Artificial Intelligences and Pattern/Image Recognitions * Neural Networks and Biomedical Simulations * Virtual Visions and Virtual Simulations * Data Mining, Web Image Mining and Applications * Data Base Management & Information Retrievals Adaptive Systems * Bifurcation, Biocybernetics & Bioinformatics * Blind Systems, Neural Networks &Control Systems * Cryptosystems &Data Compression * Evolutional Computation &Fuzzy Systems * Image Processing and Image Recognition, Modeling & Optimization * Speech Processing, Speech Synthesis & Speech Recognition * Video Signal Processing, Watermarking & Wavelet Transform * All topics related Computer Science Communication Network * Quantum Computing & Coding * Error Controls Agent Computing & Multi-Agents Systems * Defining Spectrum Rights and Open Spectrum Solutions * Quality of Services and Communication Protocols * Satellite and Optical Communication Systems * 3G/4G Network Evolutions & CDMA/GSM Communication Protocols * Mobile Computing, Transmission/Switching/Distribution technologies * Communication Theory & Signal Processing for Communications * Wireless Communications, Wireless & Mobile Networking * Optical Networks and Systems &Next-Generation Networking and Internet * Communication QoS &Reliability and Modeling * Ad-hoc, Sensor & Mesh Networking * Multimedia Services, Communication Software & Services * Communication and Information System Security * System control and network/service management * Network and Internet protocols and standards * Client-server, distributed & Web-based communication systems * Broadband and multimedia systems & applications * Trials of advanced systems and services * Any topics related Communication Network Information and Systems * Cryptography and Foundation of Computer Security * Authentication/Authorization Issues * IDS/Firewall, Anti-Spam mail & Anti-virus issues * Biometric authentication & algorithms * Fingerprint /Hand/Biometrics Recognitions and Technologies * IC-card Security, OTP & Key Management Issues * E-commerce, Ubiquitous & RFID Applications * Metadata, Meta Modeling, XML & Data Management * Knowledge Management, Web Security & Privacy * Cyber Threats, Web Services & Web Engineering * Web Intelligence, Protocols & Standards * Proxies and Servers * Multimedia Applications * Ontology and the Semantic Web * B2B, B2C and C2C * E-Business System Design and Development, E-Payment * Portal Strategies, Social Networks and Information Systems * Social and Legal Issues and Digital Ecology * E-Governance, E-Learning and Virtual Classrooms * E-Entertainment, E-Journalism * Any topics related Information systems Electronics * Circuits & Devices * Communication Networks & Systems * Communications & Information Processing * Digital Signal Processing & Electrical Engineering Communications * Electromagnetics & Microwaves * Instrumentation * Measurement & Testing * Nanoscience & Nanotechnology * Optics & Optoelectronic Effects * Devices, Systems &Semiconductors * Systems & Control Engineering * Telecommunications * Any topics related Electronics International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) ISSN: 1884-9083 Website: Manuscript submission to: All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality by the technical committee and reviewers. Papers that describe research and experimentation are encouraged. All paper submissions will be handled electronically and detailed instructions on submission procedure are available on IJCS web pages. Researchers and authors are invited to participate in the peer-review process of IJCS papers if your research interest matches with the themes of Call for Papers. For other information, please contact IJCS Managing Editor. --