[Florian] > How can I convert Unicode to ASCII? You're writing code using Unicode and you don't know how to convert it ASCII? You need to do some reading. Here are a few links - Google can provide many more:
http://docs.python.org/tut/node5.html#SECTION005130000000000000000 http://diveintopython.org/xml_processing/unicode.html http://www.jorendorff.com/articles/unicode/python.html The short answer to your question is this: >>> U = u'My string' >>> A = U.encode('ascii') >>> print U, type(U), A, type(A) My string <type 'unicode'> My string <type 'str'> but you should really do some reading. -- Richie Hindle [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list