Dear All,
I have doubt regarding mail sending smtplib module. The below code is I used to send a mail. ########################################## import email.Message import email.Utils import mimetypes import os,string fromAddr="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" toAddr= ["[EMAIL PROTECTED]","[EMAIL PROTECTED]"] mainMsg=email.Message.Message() mainMsg["Date"]=email.Utils.formatdate(localtime=1) mainMsg["Subject"]="en new contents" mainMsg["From"]=fromAddr mainMsg["To"]= string.join(toAddr,",") ## I am sending below message ## here mainMsg.set_payload("Good to win win\n") server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.set_debuglevel(1) server.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddr, mainMsg.as_string()) server.quit() ###################### This is the output of above send mail program. Here I want to avoid this line "Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mailserver with SMTP; 11 May 2005 10:09:11 -0000 " How can I do this? . Why python give this line? . Mail sending Module in php will not give this type line. Here I have another doubt Php mail sending module give MessageId automatically but python doesn't set that. why? output ******* Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Received: (qmail 6865 invoked from network); 11 May 2005 10:09:11 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mailserver with SMTP; 11 May 2005 10:09:11 -0000 Received: (dqd 1118 invoked from network); 12 Apr 2005 06:38:59 -0000 Received: from unknown (HELO ( by with SMTP; 12 Apr 2005 06:38:59 -0000 Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 03:38:59 -0300 Subject: en new contents From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED] Good to win win with regards Prabahar ________________________________________________________________________ Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online Go to: --