Hi, is there some well-known problems with class method monkey patching? I've got this error message:
unbound method get_pocet_neocislovanych() must be called with Pozemok instance as first argument (got Subjekt instance instead) The method is declared as: @classmethod @monkeypatch(Dokument) def get_pocet_neocislovanych(cls, subjekt): return cls.objects.filter(subjekt = subjekt, cislo__isnull = True).count() # or pass, this line is not important and the monkey patch decorator is declared as: def monkeypatch(cls): def decorator(func): setattr(cls, func.__name__, func) return func return decorator If I move the method to class declaration (whitout monkey patching), everything is ok, but only if I've restarted the server. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list