Tracubik wrote: > hi, i've to convert from Pascal this code:
program loop; function generic_condition: boolean; begin generic_condition := random > 0.7 end; procedure loop; var iterations, count, m: integer; begin iterations := 0; count := 0; m := 0; repeat iterations := iterations+1; (*...*) writeln(iterations:2, count:2, m:4); (*...*) if generic_condition then inc(count); (*...*) case count of 1: m := 1; 2: m := 10; 3: m := 100 end until (count = 4) or (iterations = 20) end; begin loop; writeln("That's all, folks") end. Hey, I have a Pascal compiler just one apt-get away ;) Here's how I'd translate the above, without trying to be too clever: from random import random def generic_condition(): return random() > 0.7 def loop(): count = 0 m = 0 lookup = {1: 1, 2: 10, 3: 100} for iterations in range(20): # off by one # ... print "%2d %1d %3d" % (iterations, count, m) # ... if generic_condition(): count += 1 # ... m = lookup.get(count, m) if count == 4: break if __name__ == "__main__": loop() print "That's all, folks" Something must be wrong with me today because I find the Pascal code /more/ readable... Peter --