Call For Manuscripts The Journal is currently accepting original high-quality research manuscripts for publication. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the scientific criteria of significance and academic excellence. All research articles submitted for the journal will be peer-reviewed within three weeks of submission. Following the peer-reviewed acceptance, the accepted & formatted articles will normally be published in the next available issue.
All submitted formatted full-text articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. These articles should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full text article should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly. Papers are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics: * Adaptive Filtering & Signal Processing * Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks * Analog and Mixed Signal Processing * Array Signal Processing * Audio and Electroacoustics * Audio/Speech Processing and Coding * Bioimaging and Signal Processing * Biometrics & Authentification * Biosignal Processing & Understanding * Communication and Broadband Networks * Communication Signal processing * Computer Vision & Virtual Reality * Cryptography and Network Security * Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems * Digital Signal Processing * DSP Implementations and Embedded Systems * Emerging Technologies * Hardware Implementation for Signal Processing * Higher Order Spectral Analysis * Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing * Image Processing & Understanding * Image/Video Processing and Coding * Industry Technology * Internet Signal Processing * Machine Learning for Signal Processing * Modulation and Channel Coding * Multimedia & Human-computer Interaction * Multimedia Communications * Multimedia Signal Processing * Natural Language Processing * Next Generation Mobile Communications * Nonlinear Signal Processing * Optical Communications * Parallel and Distributed Processing * PDE for Image Processing * Radar Signal Processing * Rapid Prototyping and Tools for DSP Design * RF and Wireless Communications * Sensor Array and Multi-channel Processing * Signal Processing and Communications Education * Signal Processing for Communications * Signal Processing for Security * Signal Processing Theory and Methods * Soft Computing and Machine learning for Signal Processing and Communications * Sonar Signal Processing and Localization * SP for Bioinformatics * SP for Biomedical & Cognitive Science * SP for Internet and Wireless Communications * SP for Sensor Networks * Spectrum Estimation & Modeling * Speech and Audio Coding * Speech Processing * Speech Synthesis & Recognition * Spoken Language Processing * Statistic Learning & Pattern Recognition * Statistical Signal Processing * TF Spectrum Analysis & Wavelet * Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis * Video compression & Streaming * Watermarking and Information Hiding * Applications of Signal Processing (Biomedical, Bioinformatics, Genomic, Seismic, Radar, Sonar, Remote Sensing, Positioning, Embedded Systems, etc.) * Signal Processing and Communications Education * Web Engineering * Wireless Communications * Detection and Estimation * Cooperative Communication * Adaptive and Array Signal Processing * MIMO and Space-Time Signal Processing * Compressive Sensing & Applications * Cognitive Radio * Signal Processing for Communications * Network Coding * Machine Learning/AI for Signal Processing * Network Information Theory * Audio, Speech, Image & Video Signal Processing * Sequences & Complexity * Signal Processing Algorithms & Architectures * Source and Channel Coding: Theory and Practice * Underwater Communications and Signal Processing * Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks * Optical Communications and Networks * Next Generation Networking, QoS & Security * VLSI for Communication & Signal Processing * Multihop and Mesh Networks * RF Systems for Communications * Vehicular Networks * Systems, Standards and Implementations * Biomedical Signal Processing * Coding/Signal Processing in Biology * Spoken Language Processing * Biological Network & Data Analysis/Modelling CALL FOR PAPERS International Journal of Signal Processing (IJSP) Website: Manuscript submission to: All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality by the technical committee and reviewers. Papers that describe research and experimentation are encouraged. All paper submissions will be handled electronically and detailed instructions on submission procedure are available on IJSP web pages. Researchers and authors are invited to participate in the peer-review process of IJSP papers if your research interest matches with the themes of Call for Papers. For other information, please contact IJSP Managing Editor. --