On 02/27/10 09:36, @ Rocteur CC wrote:
<cut dos2unix oneliners;python vs perl/sed/awk>
Hi a couple of fragmented things popped in my head reading your
question, non of them is very constructive though in what you actually
want, but here it goes anyway.
- Oneline through away script with re as a built in syntax, yup that
sounds like perl to me.
- What is wrong with making an executable script (not being one line)
and call that, this is even shorter.
- ... wait a minute, you are building something in python (problem with
string.strip - why don't you use the built-in string strip method
instead?) which barfs on the input (win/unix line ending), should the
actual solution not be in there, i.e. parsing the line first to check
for line-endings? .. But wait another minute, why are you getting \r\n
in the first place, python by default uses universal new lines?
Hope that helps a bit, maybe you could post the part of the code what
you are doing for some better suggestions.