"Lawrence D'Oliveiro" <l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand> wrote in message news:hm4icr$q4...@lust.ihug.co.nz...
In message <op.u8nfpex8y5e...@laptopwanja>, Wanja Gayk wrote:

Reference counting is about the worst technique for garbage collection.

It avoids the need for garbage collection. It means I can write things like

   contents = open(filename, "r").read()

and know the file object will be immediately closed after its contents are

It also means I don’t have to predefine how much memory my program will use. A garbage collector will only kick in when the app runs low on memory. On a system with dynamic memory allocation, that will not happen until the entire
system runs low on memory, unless you limit the app to some fixed amount.
Which is an antiquated way of doing things.

And then there’s caching. Modern CPUs owe most of their speed to assumptions
that programs will obey locality of reference. Pointer-chasing is a cache-
hostile activity. Garbage collection involves a lot of pointer-chasing,
particularly of dead objects that have long since been flushed from the
cache, compared with reference counting of recently-accessed objects.
Therefore garbage collection loses performance.

Reference counting is a technique that is only applicable for a subset of scenarios GC can handle. RC fails when circular dependencies exist. In an ancient past I have worked with RC-based C++ frameworks and they where either very restrictive to prevent circular dependencies or ignored them resulting in memory leaks.

In addition, for fast create/destroy scenario's (for examples loops that allocate objects with single cycle lifetimes) a generational GC is MUCH faster than manual malloc/free new/delete code because it enables a completely different heap management logic. Reference counting only adds to the slowness in this scenario. You are also incorrect in stating that a GC will only kick in when memory becomes scarce. Partial GCs will happen very frequently (thereby invalidating your point about caching) and are extremely fast. Only full GCs are infrequent and take more time but they will typically run in a separate thread.

No general statement about the relative speed of generational GC systems versus manual heap management (or the slower variant RC) can be made since they have completely different best, general and worse case behavior and scenarios.

In response to your original post: please provide links to examples of quality benchmark results. There are numerous language speed comparison benchmarks that usually put Python in the tail region with Ruby and the likes for many different applications. If you have opposing examples then you should provide them.



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