Steven D'Aprano wrote:
I have a convention when writing unit tests to put the target of the test into a class attribute, as follows:

class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
    target = mymodule.someclass

    def test_spam(self):
        """Test that someclass has a spam attribute."""
        self.failUnless(hasattr(, 'spam'))

It works well until I write a test for stand-alone functions:

class AnotherTest(unittest.TestCase):
    target = mymodule.function

    def test_foo(self):
        self.assertEquals('a', 'b'), 'foo')

The problem is that target is turned into a method of my test class, not a standalone function, and I get errors like:

TypeError: function() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

The solution I currently use is to drop the target attribute in this class, and just refer to mymodule.function in each individual test. I don't like this solution because it violates Once And Only Once: if the function changes name, I have to make many edits to the test suite rather than just one.

Are there any better solutions?

It looks like it works when declaring foo as static:

import unittest

def foo(a,b):
   return 'fooo'

class AnotherTest(unittest.TestCase):
   target = staticmethod(foo)

   def test_foo(self):
       self.assertEquals('a', 'b'), 'foo')
def runTest(self):

...AssertionError: 'fooo' != 'foo'


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