hello all, since I posted this last time, I've added a new function dates_diff and modified the dates_dict function to set timedelta values returned by dates_diff in the returned dict
def dates_dict(self,*targs,**dargs): """ dates_dict() - takes params same as prefs() returns dict key/value pair of formatted/calculated dates key is a date, value is timedelta enddate-startdate """ self.prefs(*targs,**dargs) d={} try: if self.format!="": d[self.startdate.strftime(self.format)]=self.dates_diff() else: d[self.startdate]=self.dates_diff() except ValueError: d["%s"%self.startdate]=self.dates_diff() while self.startdate<self.enddate: a=self.calc(*targs,**dargs)[0] d[a]=self.dates_diff() self.reset_dates() return d def dates_diff(self,*targs): """ dates_diff - return timedelta difference between startdata and enddate takes nothing, a tuple, a list or 2 date objects as params return enddate - startdate timedelta """ start,end=(self.startdate,self.enddate) if targs: if(len(targs)==1): if(type(targs[0])==type(()) or targs[0] == type([])): if(len(targs[0])==2): start,end=(targs[0][0],targs[0][1]) elif(len(targs)== 2): if(type(targs[0])==type(date.today()) and targs[1] == type(date.today())): start,end=(targs[0],targs[1]) return end-start -Alex Goretoy
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