Andre Engels wrote:
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:20 PM, W. eWatson <> wrote:
I've successfully compiled several small python programs on Win XP into
executables using py2exe. A program goes from a name like to
snowball. A dir in the command prompt window finds but not
snowball. If I type in snowball, it executes. What's up with that?
No idea whether it has to do with your problem, but if it's executable
in Windows, its name is snowball.exe, not snowball.
Not necessarily, it's perfectly possible to setup a Python script to run
on Windows using file associations in the same way that you can run a
command (.bat) file. If the OP types the command "ASSOC .py" without
the quotes at the command prompt, the response .py=Python.File tells you
that this association has been setup.
Mark Lawrence.