from random import * col = [0 for i in range(10)] a = [col for i in range(10)]
seed() for i in range(10): for j in range(10): a[i][j] = randint(0, 100) print a the result is: [[78, 65, 35, 5, 68, 60, 1, 51, 81, 70], [78, 65, 35, 5, 68, 60, 1, 51, 81, 70], [78, 65, 35, 5, 68, 60, 1, 51, 81, 70], .....] why result isn't true random? but when the code like this: from random import * seed() for i in range(10): for j in range(10): print randint(0, 100) the result is true random, what's deffient between these two segment codes? --