Martin wrote:
I am trying to come up with a more generic scheme to match and replace
a series of regex, which look something like this...
19.01,16.38,0.79,1.26,1.00 ! canht_ft(1:npft)
5.0, 4.0, 2.0, 4.0, 1.0 ! lai(1:npft)
Ideally match the pattern to the right of the "!" sign (e.g. lai), I
would then like to be able to replace one or all of the corresponding
numbers on the line. So far I have a rather unsatisfactory solution,
any suggestions would be appreciated...
The file read in is an ascii file.
f = open(fname, 'r')
s =
s = re.sub(r"\d+.\d+,\d+.\d+,\d+.\d+,\d+.\d+,\d+.\d+ !
canht_ft", CANHT, s)
where CANHT might be
CANHT = '115.01,16.38,0.79,1.26,1.00 ! canht_ft'
But this involves me passing the entire string.
I remove all lines containing things like 9*0.0 in your file, cause I
don't know what they mean and how to handle them. These are not numbers.
import re
replace = {
'snow_grnd' : (1, '99.99,'), # replace the 1st number by 99.99
't_soil' : (2, '88.8,'), # replace the 2nd number by 88.88
testBuffer = """
0.749, 0.743, 0.754, 0.759 ! stheta(1:sm_levels)(top to bottom)
0.46 ! snow_grnd
276.78,277.46,278.99,282.48 ! t_soil(1:sm_levels)(top to bottom)
19.01,16.38,0.79,1.26,1.00 ! canht_ft(1:npft)
200.0, 4.0, 2.0, 4.0, 1.0 ! lai(1:npft)
outputBuffer = ''
for line in testBuffer.split('\n'):
for key, (index, repl) in replace.items():
if key in line:
parameters = {
'n' : '[\d\.]+', # given you example you have to change
this one, I don't know what means 9*0.0 in your file
'index' : index - 1,
# the following pattern will silently match any digit before
the <index>th digit is found, and use a capturing parenthesis for the last
pattern =
'(\s*(?:(?:%(n)s)[,\s]+){0,%(index)s})(?:(%(n)s)[,\s]+)(.*!.*)' %
parameters # regexp are sometimes a nightmare to read
line = re.sub(pattern, r'\1 '+repl+r'\3' , line)
outputBuffer += line +'\n'
print outputBuffer