* hjebbers:
I enlarged the windows page file from 750Kb to 1.5Gb .
The crash still happens.
btw, the crash does not happen at a peak memory usage.
According to windows task manager, at the moment of crash mem usage of
my program is 669kb, peak memory usage is 1.136kb
Probably you meant to write "M", not "k" or "K"?
I've never managed to make much sense of the displays in Windows' Task Manager,
if that's what you're using, but I think the mem usage it's displaying by
default is the process' working set, or something very similar to that measure.
You can display additional columns in Task Manager, and one useful one is how
much virtual memory is allocated,.
And perhaps then (if that's not what you're looking it already) it'll be closer
to 2 GiB?
Cheers & hth.,
- Alf