In article <>,
Tim Chase  <> wrote:
>Aahz wrote:
>> Tim Chase  <> wrote:
>>> Just to add to the mix, I'd put the "anydbm" module on the gradient
>>> between "using a file" and "using sqlite".  It's a nice intermediate
>>> step between rolling your own file formats for data on disk, and having
>>> to write SQL since access is entirely like you'd do with a regular
>>> Python dictionary.
>> Not quite.  One critical difference between dbm and dicts is the need to
>> remember to "save" changes by setting the key's valud again.
>Could you give an example of this?  I'm not sure I understand 
>what you're saying.  I've used anydbm a bunch of times and other 
>than wrapping access in
>   d =, "c")
>   # use d as a dict here
>   d.close()
>and I've never hit any "need to remember to save changes by 
>setting the key's value again".  The only gotcha I've hit is the 
>anydbm requirement that all keys/values be strings.  Slightly 
>annoying at times, but my most frequent use case.

Well, you're more likely to hit this by wrapping dbm with shelve (because
it's a little more obvious when you're using pickle directly), but
consider this:

    d =, "c")
    x = MyClass()
    d['foo'] = x = 123

Your dbm does NOT have the change to recorded, you must do this

    d['foo'] = x

With a dict, you have Python's reference semantics.
Aahz (           <*>

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