En Wed, 10 Feb 2010 19:19:50 -0300, Jordan Apgar <twistedphr...@gmail.com>
I'm trying to right a server that needs specific information for each
client accessing it. The easiest way I could think of doing this is
keeping this information based on ip address (the information is only
valid for a short time). I know there is no was to get the client's
address directly and have seen a few examples of subclassing the
SimpleXMLRPCServer like this:
class RPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer):
def _dispatch(self, method, params):
"""Extend dispatch, adding client info to some parameters."""
if method in ({my list of methods I needed client address}):
return SimpleXMLRPCServer._dispatch(self, method,
return SimpleXMLRPCServer._dispatch(self, method, params);
but to be honest I don't understand what's going on there or how to
use it. Would anyone be able to explain this to me?
Do you want an explanation of what the above code does?
Gabriel Genellina