On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Quin <quinden...@grandecom.net> wrote:

> Thanks guys, I'm thinking it's a problem with IronPython.  I'm switching to
> PyScripter and will test tomorrow.

The chance of this being the case is vanishingly small.

Provide real code, copy-pasted directly from a real file, and showing real
results that demonstrate this behavior.

There is no way that IronProfile is so utterly and fundamentally broken that
such a simple and basic function doesn't work like this. There's no way that
what you've shown us as describing the behavior is -really- what's
happening. You seem to be paraphrasing code to illustrate a problem: but
that's leaving out what's -really- causing the problem that you think isn't
related, but really is.


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