En Mon, 08 Feb 2010 06:37:53 -0300, Andrew Degtiariov
<andrew.degtiar...@gmail.com> escribió:
2010/2/6 Gabriel Genellina <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar>
En Fri, 05 Feb 2010 13:21:47 -0300, Andrew Degtiariov
<andrew.degtiar...@gmail.com> escribió:
Code of our project has split into several packages and we deploy the
project using buildout.
All worked fine until I need to dynamically inspect python modules.
Entirely by luck, I'd say :)
│ ├───project
│ │ └───api
│ │ └───config
│ │ └───settings
│ └───project.api.config.egg-info
│ ├───project
│ │ └───api
│ │ └───contacts
│ │ ├───importer
│ │ └───views
│ └───project.api.contacts.egg-info
If someone is interesting - __import__ works but imp doesn't.
In my example:
m = __import__('project.api.config')
<module 'project from
<module 'project.api from
<module 'project.api.config'
Please note that the m and m.api pointed to first installing package with
namespace project.api but m.api.config have pointed to the proper file.
And releasing code with several distributions it is one of goals of
Distribute. And you might look to pypi for... zope. There is lot of
which names starts from "zope."
It's really convenient
Those are called namespace packages. Zope and Plone (ab)use them
extensively. The intended usage is to break up a big, monolithic package
[0] in parts that can be distributed independently. To implement a
namespace package, you need an empty __init__.py file with only these
lines [1]:
from pkgutil import extend_path
__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
But think carefully if you really need namespace packages; they solve a
specific problem, aren't a general purpose technique. See [2] for a
[0] Think of a huge behemoth with a "Z O P E" sign on both sides :)
[1] http://docs.python.org/library/pkgutil.html
[2] http://weblion.psu.edu/news/are-we-overusing-namespace-packages
Gabriel Genellina