I'm having some problems with pydoc and I was not very sucessful in
googling. (probably missng one key word)

Is there soemthing like a documentation of pydoc (execpt pydocs output
of pydoc,  which doesn't seem to answer my question )

I can add docstrings to
- the file head
- to a class
- to a class function
- to a property

but I don't know how document a class attribute (like 'name' ) in my
example below

Does anybody know how to doc it?

# file starts here

# This appears in the python documentation

__author__ = 'News123' # this will also be part of pydoc

""" general blabla will not be part of pydoc"""

class MyClass(object):
    """ This class can be doc-ed """

    name = 3 ### I don't know how to document this

    def get_f(self):
        """ the function get_f is here """
        return 3

    f = property(get_f,doc="this property is also documented")

######### file ends here

thanks for any help


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